Drama. Food. Fashion. More drama. More food. Nosey aunties and uncles—and, of course, the universal language of love. These elements are a must-have for any Desi wedding, inclusive of people indigenous to India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. In this anthology, authors from various parts of the Desi community will share genre-bending stories that explore the lush traditions of their region, translating that universal language through the familiar lens of the Ultimate Family Gathering.

In this collection that centers hope, love, and family, readers will enjoy eight stories from both award-winning and debut authors.

A Cynic at a Shaadi

Freshly heartbroken, seventeen-year-old Sajal plans on lying low during her cousin’s month-long wedding extravaganza--until chaotic Raza crashes into her life. During the wedding events, Raza manages to pull Sajal out of hiding with incessant cheeriness, and she finds herself having fun. Worse, she finds herself liking him. But is he worth the risk of heartbreak, or should she run while she still can?

My short story is a reverse Jab We Met with a grump girl x sunshine boy, lots of desi wedding fun, and a Pakistani-American hijabi main character! It's basically Meg's song "I Won't Say I'm in Love" from Hercules, and I had so much fun writing it!!


OUT JULY 18, 2024
